Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lil JJ to become a huge rapper?

Lil JJ to become one of the worlds biggest rappers? Do you think it can happen?
I do.
This young man has been on his grind for the past years trying to get his music heard.
Let me just say he can really rap. How many of ya'll knew that he had a song in the movie Beauty Shop?
Not that many! Well go watch it and listen real hard.....
His style of rap has a really good sound to it.he has great flow it's like he was born to do it.
watch this video i found of him called spotlight on his youtube well follow this link to his youtube
I'm telling ya'll the boi got some mad skills.
So let's make him one of the world's biggest rappers.
Follow him on twitter. hit him up on his myspace" download his music' request it on the radio and all that good stuff.

Lil JJ's twitter page
Lil JJ's myspace page
Lil JJ's myspace music page
Much love


Pastry Kicks....The Best shoes Eva..........


Pastry Kicks created by Vanessa and Angela Simmons is a leading brand shoe company. The shoes come in different colors and different styles. They have cool names like pastry ice plaid candy rush and cookie pie. The shoes are very nice looking and they sell for cheap. So lil girls or grown up women can get a nice pair of pastry kicks to match their whole pastry outfit. You can get the purse, the jeans and the t-shirt. Pastry is a great gift for any girl who has style... if you like pastry kicks than you can hit up their official website at trust me you will love every thing you see...sooooooooooo gooooooooooooooooo toooooooooooooo their web nowwww..............
eating skittles 4eva


Shots were fired today at a local school. Two boys were shot in the head, both were rushed to the hospital this is what we here on the news everyday. Why is their crime in our inner cities people ask. Well no one knows. people get shot everyday for no reason. they get shot over drugs they get shot over taking someones boo they get shot over two dollars i mean what is the point. The point is that they are alot of ignorant, common, people with lowself esteem in the world that don't care about our childrens future. vilonce is a herat less crime i mean really how do you kill a six year old and have no guilty conscience at all about it. well im here to tell you that vilonce is not the way to go its time for our criminal justice system to take their
rightfull place and do their job and put these heartless criminals to rest. call crime stoppers at (822-1111) you can be an unknow caller just stop the vilonce and try to save someone and their love one's because you could be next.

written by:keke and bunny

Saturday, August 22, 2009

BoomSkItTlEz t-shirt line

OkAY so today i want to let you guys no about Boomskittlez. its my brand new t-shirt line. To me its fun to make my own little saying and make it in to something big. you can add the brand the new myspace at
and look at the pics of the shirts
Much love
keyana '' keke '' rodney

Friday, August 21, 2009

im new 2 the blog thing

Okay so im new 2 the whole blog thing......i will work on the page and all a little later.

much love
keyana '' keke '' rodney